Favorite summer bvacation/b spot: my grandparents house in Punta bGorda/b, Florida. My little brother and I spent summers there growing up, as my grandparents (and we) have aged, we don't take month long bvacations/b anymore. And, I cherish the time we b....../b Favorite bvacation/b spot- bMendocino/b, California! My husband and I went there for our honeymoon in the winter and there was hardly a soul there! It was beautiful and quite, and the food and shopping were terrific! Amy responds: ...
Clare of Rainy Days & Sundays is offering a dinner with her at the famed Chateau Marmont bHotel/b restaurant in West Hollywood. Chef Carolynn Spence (formerly of Spotted Pig in NYC) will create an incredible tasting menu for us - with wine pairings. b..../b Our good friend the rancho bgordo/b Steve himself offer this prize, which includes a selection of his world-renown beans plus his fantabulous new book, Heirloom Beans. He's promised to sign it for you too, in the most elaborate ...
José El Indio Guevara, ganador en diciembre de 2007 en el Conrad de Punta del pozo sudamericano más bgordo/b hasta ahora ?quien tuvo que trajinar dos a?os para ganar otro?, también da su explicación. "Si tenés dos ases y no apostás, ... "Para mí no es nada divertido", dice Sergio Gallardo, un bmendocino/b de 44 a?os que vive en Caballito y que dejó su negocio de computación para dedicarse por entero al poker de torneos y por Internet. Sergio está en Punta y viene de un torneo ...